Complete Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Elite Dental Group


Do you have a pain in your back teeth? Well, if you have, then it must be wisdom teeth, which usually appear in the late teens or early 20s. But what about the pain? Do we need to care about it? Well, it’s a normal aspect of the mouth development, and if you want to remove or extract it – you can do it.

A study shows that in the United States, more than 5 million people have wisdom teeth.

This complete guide will show you whether you need a wisdom teeth extraction or not.

What is Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

One common oral surgery procedure is wisdom tooth extraction, sometimes known as wisdom tooth removal. To maintain your oral health and shield your other teeth from potential problems down the road, dentists might advise this treatment.

Located at the very back of your mouth are your wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. They generally burst (grow in) between the ages of 17 and 25.

Wisdom teeth are thought to be vestigial structures by scientists. These teeth were necessary for our ancestors to chew and crush raw meat, nuts, roots, and leaves. We use knives and forks to cut our food into smaller pieces and consume more cooked food these days. We no longer need wisdom teeth as a result.

A person may have one wisdom tooth in each quadrant (upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right) or all four. The number of wisdom teeth you have or do not have doesn't always indicate a health issue. It is merely an aberration from the norm and an indication of the dynamic process of evolution.

Do You Need Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

If you are exhibiting any indications or symptoms of troublesome teeth, you might require the extraction of your wisdom teeth. Additionally, it's possible that you are not even exhibiting any symptoms. If the position of your wisdom teeth becomes a concern in the future, X-rays can show you.

Here are the reasons why you should have a wisdom teeth extraction:

·         Cavity

·         Pain

·         Infection

·         Swellon Gum

If you have not extracted the wisdom teeth that grow sideways or erupt completely, then it might be infected or harm other teeth, too. It also causes misalignment as fully erupted teeth ushes against other teeth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth are far back in the mouth, which makes it hard to clean, and thus, bacteria cause tooth or gum disease. This might cause bone loss.

The procedure of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The procedure starts with a consultation with an oral surgeon it checks the health of the wisdom tooth by taking an X-ray and determining the exact location. Here you need to discuss everything, like any medication going on, vitamins, or supplements you are taking.

Also, the surgeon will discuss the different options as per the requirement like giving local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, IV, or general anesthesia. You might have to do fasting before the surgery and stop certain medications a few days prior. 

Now, let’s catch up with the procedure of Tooth Extraction:

·         To keep you comfortable and numb your teeth and gums, administer anesthesia.

·         If necessary, make incisions (cuts) in your gums to reveal teeth that are hidden in your gums or jawbone.

·         Lift your wisdom tooth out of its socket with caution after loosening it.

·         Make sure there are no infections by cleaning the area.

·         If stitches are required, close the surgical site.

·         To stop the bleeding, cover the sockets with gauze.

This entire process might take one hour but if your case is quite complicated then it might take more than an hour.

Do’s & Don’t after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

You will receive postoperative instructions from your surgeon tailored to your circumstances. You can better control your post-procedural bleeding, swelling, and pain by following these instructions.

Here are some general "dos and don'ts" following the wisdom tooth extraction process:



When to stop using gauze after having your wisdom teeth extracted can be determined by your surgeon. However, you can remove it when the bleeding stops. Some leaking is normal, but you shouldn't be bleeding excessively.

Don’t drink through the straw because it might cause blood clots and cause dry sockets.

You must stay at home for 3-5 days and if you have a marketing job like going to the site, please wait for a week or more to return to the job.

Elevating your heart rate raises the possibility of experiencing pain, bleeding, and swelling. Most people can get back to their exercise regimens in 48 to 72 hours.

Use an Ice bag for 20 minutes and repeat this process several times a day.

Don’t eat crunchy, hard food because it can cause pain and damage to the healed gums.

Ensure to clean the other parts of the teeth as it reduces the risk of infection. Don’t forget to take the prescribed medication on time.

Don’t drink carbonated beverages or beverages containing alcohol because it can dislodge blood clots. Skip these for the five days.

Final Words

So, if you want to have a tooth extraction, you must follow this guide. Here you have complete information about do’s and don’t while having the extraction. You must have the teeth extraction in your 20’s, only when you are having any problem with it. For more information, you need to consult with the Dentist or Oral Surgeon.


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